Hey, Vulture Culture folks! This is just some of the art supplies (including LOTS AND LOTS of hide pieces, bones, skulls, and other specimens) that will be available during both open-to-the-public and event-only vendors’ market hours at FaerieWorlds at the Cuthbert Ampitheater in Eugene, OR next week, June 17-19. (I’ll also have some completed tails, ears, masks, and other art, of course.)
As you may have noticed, I haven’t been making as much VC art since the pandammit began, and I have totes full of stuff that I’ve acquired over the past almost-quarter-century. I need the space, and I feel bad for everything just sitting there, and this will be the first opportunity anyone will have to purchase any of this. (Yes, anything unsold will go online after, but in-person gets first pick of all the best stuff!) Here’s the vending schedule for the weekend:
1pm Vending Village Opens – Free to Public until 4:30pm
8:30 Vending Village Closes
11am Vending Village Opens – Free to Public until 4:30pm
8:30 Vending Village Closes
11am Vending Village Opens – Free to Public until 4:30pm
6pm Vending Village Closes
Plus it’s my first vending event since the pandammit started, so I’d love to see some folks in person (I’ll have masks available at the booth for anyone not comfortable being in close quarters unmasked even outside.)