Costume and Prop Sales

Still from episode of WGN’s original series “The Outsiders”, featuring one of my pouches worn by G’Winveer, the woman in the red dress

In addition to selling my artwork to private individuals and collectors, I offer custom sales options for photographers, filmmakers, and other professionals. This includes (but is not limited to):

–Full hide and partial hide headdresses (wolf, coyote, fox and more)

–Wolf, coyote and fox masks

–Jewelry and other accessories

–Other costumes and wearables

–Props (handheld and otherwise)

–Plain hides, bones and other animal remains

–Materials for wardrobe professionals

I am no longer doing rentals. However, with enough notice I am happy to create custom pieces for your project; a deposit may be necessary to cover materials costs. A minimum of two weeks is preferred for smaller orders, four to six weeks for larger ones, though the time needed may vary according to my supply of materials and previously existing commitments. I may be able to fulfill your request in less than two weeks if you are choosing from existing stock; however, I will not fulfill requests with less than a week of prior notice except in exceptional circumstances. Please also be aware that some items may not be available in certain areas due to legal restrictions; you may refer to my database of animal parts laws for more details.

Please direct sales requests and all other inquiries to

Samples of my work are available below or in my portfolio.

Antler rune set and deerskin pouch, one of several my creations used in the WGN original series “The Outsiders” (2016)
Still from filming of Trifilm Pictures' "Einar" (2015), featuring one of my wolf headdresses
Production still from filming of Trifilm Pictures’ “Einar” (2015), featuring one of my wolf headdresses
Still from Trifilm Pictures' "Einar" (2015), featuring one of my wolf headdresses
Production still from filming of Trifilm Pictures’ “Einar” (2015), featuring one of my wolf headdresses
Photo from Halloween-themed shoot (2014) with The Band Perry featuring one of my wolf masks.
Photo from Halloween-themed shoot (2014) with The Band Perry featuring one of my wolf masks.
Still from the official music video for Outline in Color's "Jury of Wolves" (Garrett Danz, director, 2012) featuring one of my full hide wolf headdresses
Still from the official music video for Outline in Color’s “Jury of Wolves” (Garrett Danz, director, 2012) featuring one of my full hide wolf headdresses
Still from official music video for Phantogram's "Blackout Days" (2013), featuring one of my full hide wolf headdresses
Still from official music video for Phantogram’s “Blackout Days” (2013), featuring one of my full hide wolf headdresses
Headphones with coyote ears and fur, commissioned by Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis
Headphones with coyote ears and fur, commissioned by Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis
White wolf hide with shaped face. From 2013 shoot by Adam Michaud of New World Industries, Copyright Lady Raven Productions
White wolf hide with shaped face. From 2013 shoot by Adam Michaud of New World Industries, Copyright Lady Raven Productions
Javelina headdress featured in RAW Artists fashion show, Portland, July 2012
Javelina headdress featured in RAW Artists fashion show, Portland, July 2012
Bone knife suitable for prop/set dressing
Bone knife suitable for prop/set dressing
A more elaborately decorated wolf headdress
A more elaborately decorated wolf headdress
I am also an experienced jeweler with a wide range of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other adornments available.
I am also an experienced jeweler with a wide range of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other adornments available.
"The Teacup Tauntaun" - altered taxidermy sculpt that even Jabba would covet
“The Teacup Tauntaun” – altered taxidermy sculpt that even Jabba would covet
Wolf fur cloak - self portrait from "Wolves and Swords" shoot, 2012.
Wolf fur cloak – self portrait from “Wolves and Swords” shoot, 2012.


"Lady Red Riding Hood", self-portrait, 2011.
“Lady Red Riding Hood”, self-portrait, 2011.

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