Self-published, 2021
244 pages
This is the revised, updated and annotated edition of this book, which was originally published via Llewellyn.
Working with nature spirits isn’t just about what we can get from them; it’s a reciprocal relationship that requires us to know the land itself. Lupa shows you ways to create new connections with the nature around you, identify nature spirits who may facilitate that growth, and use rituals and other practices to deepen these bonds. Most importantly, you’ll learn ways to give back to the land and the spirits with offerings that make a real difference.
Enter into an animistic ecosystem populated not just with the spirits of animals, plants, and fungi, but landforms, celestial bodies, and natural forces. Deepen your spiritual connection to the earth, and rejoin the community of nature! The table of contents offers more about what’s in this book:
Chapter 1: The Importance of Reconnecting With Nature
Chapter 2: The Basics of Bioregionalism
Chapter 3: Introducing the Spirits Themselves
Chapter 4: The Animistic Ecosystem
Chapter 5: Practices For the Spirits and Yourself
Chapter 6: Animism Every Day
Conclusion: Wonder and Awe at the World
Appendix A: Recommended Reading
Appendix B: Beneficial Nonprofit Organizations
Appendix C: Helpful Hints For Animistic Research
Appendix D: A Quick Guide to Guided Meditation
Paperback and ebook editions available below. If you are having any problems ordering, please contact me at lupa.greenwolf(at)gmail(dot)com. Please select the button BELOW the option you want.
An autographed copy of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up is available for $20 plus priority shipping in the U.S.
An autographed copy of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up is available for $20 plus media shipping in the U.S.

An autographed copy of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up is available for $20 plus shipping internationally.
An ebook edition of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up is available for $10 (I manually send you the file to the email address associated with your Paypal account, unless you put another email address in the notes)