Nature-based spirituality has been a conscious part of my life since 1996, though nature has always been sacred to me to one degree or another, ever since I was very young. I especially gravitated toward animals, so it was no surprise that animal spirits and other such beings have been central to my practice. In 2004-5, frustrated that almost all the books on animal spirits I found were the same dictionary format with rote “meanings” for a select group of animals, I decided to take my years of practice and put them to paper. My first book, Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic, was published in 2006, and I’ve had several titles published since then. I’ve also self-published the Tarot of Bones, a complete tarot deck and companion book set.
If you’d like to purchase a signed copy of any of my books directly from me (and help me get the biggest percentage of the cover price!) each title has its own page below (just click on the title itself!), complete with purchasing options. If you’re having trouble ordering through this site, they’re also available through my Etsy shop.
If you’d like to read my books for free, they’re at several libraries worldwide; you can search WorldCat to see if your local library has them.
If you are the owner/manager/book buyer for a book store that would like to carry my self-published titles, please contact me at lupa.greenwolf(at)gmail.com. For all other books please contact the publishers directly. For more information on wholesale, please click here.
Current Books:
Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up: Connect With Totems In Your Ecosystem (2016/2021)
Plant and Fungus Spirits: Connecting With Spirits of Field, Forest and Garden (2014/2020)
Skin Spirits: Animal Parts in Spiritual and Magical Practice (2009/2020)
DIY Animism: Your Personal Guide to Animal Spirits (2008/2020)
Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic (2006/2020)
New Paths to Animal Spirits: Three Creative Models of Animal Spirit Work (2012/2020)
Vulture Culture 101: A Book For People Who Like Dead Things (2019)
Pocket Osteomancy: A Simple Bone Divination Set (2018)